Monday, October 1, 2007

No Time

Alright -- I've got to get up and out the door by 7.30 tomorrow morning, so I'm just stopping by to say PRAY! I'm going to look at a car in the morning and if I don't find a good one soon I'm going to be up a creek. So I hope this is the one. I really do. 02 Mazda Protege, black, fully loaded, 53K miles -- and hopefully a good price, that I'll be able to get financed by my bank. I am weary of looking. Got to go to bed now. If this turns out well y'all might get to hear about my Used Car Lot Misadventure.


Crazy Calvinist said...

I hope Madameousielle (can't spell the flippin' word! lol) Erica is not turning Frenchy on us. I HATE the French. Not as people or individuals, but as a nation!

Crazy Calvinist said...

Sheesh! Are losing the will to live here waiting for the next installment! Anyone would think you had other things to attend to or had a life or sumpin'! ;-)

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