Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Funny Ha-Ha or Funny Weird?

I've gotten hit on by attractive men all week long.

I was driving home tonight (after commenting on this phenomena to a friend) and a very cute guy pulled his little black coupe along side my tiny Mazda, and stayed with me on the freeway until he caught my eye. When I finally turned my head, he was full on facing me, not even making a pretense of watching the road. His face split in half with a huge grin while he gave me that little "how you doin'?" nod/cocked eyebrow.

Last night it was a nearly 7ft tall West African guy, who asked for my number, and if he could take me to dinner or hang out.

Before that it was a guy at Starbucks who offered me his place in line, said I was pretty and asked for my number.

The list goes on.

I haven't done anything different. I've still been the same me, no makeovers or anything but I've suddenly developed into an electro stud magnet.]

Kind of funny I think.

_origninally posted 1/10/09_


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