Thursday, September 27, 2007

I take it back

I'm STILL too upset about how they tried to swindle me at that Used Car Lot to write about it -- it makes my chest muscles squeeze. Perhaps I'll be able to tell you what happened after I actually find and buy a good car.


Crazy Calvinist said...

sorry you had a bad expereince.

Its hard to try and put into words unemotionally and detached, something that grievges us deeply in the written word ain't it?

Matt said...

lesson one in used car buying:

NEVER EVER EVER go to or buy from used car lots.

Go to a regular, new-car dealership and ask to see their pre-owned inventory. you'll find just as much variety regardless of what brand the dealership sells and a dealer less likely to try and screw you over because a) he doesn't need to, he's selling plenty of new cars and b) he can't afford to. he has a lot more to lose than a used-car dealer.

Matt said...

alright missy, you better post about this crazy story soon or i'm going to die of anticipation, after which i will come back to haunt you for eternity for having waited so long to tell this story.

the end.

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