Tuesday, June 30, 2009

25 Things

RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (+) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)


1) I just filled this survey thing out half way, and then got distracted and clicked on a link, loosing everything. Stoopid ADD.

2) I am really bad about answering any kind of correspondence. This has gotten me into hot water a couple of times when people thought that I was mad at them when really I was just a bum who doesn't answer her emails. (or texts, or voicemails....)

3) There is a home video of me somewhere, from when I was about 3 years old, where I act out the entire "Vitameatavegamin" sketch from I Love Lucy, including the drunk parts.

4) I Love Lucy.

5) I have lived in Texas for 363 days as of today. It's been a very good year.

6) One of my great ambitions in life is to be able to play the Bach Suites for Solo Cello.

7) I love being on, in, or near the water. It's one of my dreams to live on a body of water someday.

8) I would like to build a Straw Bale House, or some other eco-friendly house.

9) I don't own a TV. Mostly because I'm too cheap, and I don't need any more incentive to waste time.

10) I just recently discovered "The Weepies" through Pandora radio. They're GREAT.

11) I make REALLY good s'mores. I like to make them more than eat them.

12) When I was little, I really wanted to either have red hair, or an afro.

13) I'm really happy. Life is good -- even with the sucky parts.

14) I collect fairy tales and sea shells.

15) I haven't found my niche.

16) When I have a good dream that I remember, I will think about it for a long time, and it always peps me up. Like last night I dreamt that I got a puppy. It was happy, and we cuddled, and I woke up snuggling my pillow.

17) I have a tiny mole above my upper lip that only shows when I've been in the sun. Then it looks like I've drawn a Marilyn Monroe-esque beauty mark on.

18) I dream that one day I'll go to the Taj Mahal.

19) I am addicted to ApartmentTherapy.com

20) I love to listen to audio books. The closest I've ever come to a celebrity crush is becoming enamored with Scott Brick's velvet voice -- even though in real life he's a bit greasy, wears big gold jewelry, and has a paunch -- I think of him as my golden voiced friend who murmurs exciting tales in my ear all evening.

21) I'm sleepy.

22) I miss the blog that I used to write. Maybe I'll start writing again soon.

23) I'm curious and interested in a lot of different things. Travel, languages, literature, history, theology, architecture, science, art, poetry, music, writing, cooking, photography. I hope I live a long time so that I can look into as many of them as possible.

24) I have very bad vision, and am afraid that I might go blind someday.

25) I hate pickles.

_originally posted on fb 2/2/09_


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