Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I have finally found the apartment I'll be moving into this fall, and am quite excited to get all of my stuff out of storage and into my own place.

Since this will be my first time living out on my own, I've been looking for ideas for apartment living and decoration. It's amazing to me how hard it is to find good resources! I've thought up more things on my own than I was able to find online or in magazines.

Since when is 1000-dollars-a-room "decorating on a dime"? Since when is a 10k apartment makeover "budget design"? I don't know about y'all, but in my world, most of us just moving out have more important things to spend 10k on -- most of us are worried about college loans, car repairs, getting medical insurance, contributing to our 401k, paying for gas, and maybe, just maybe, being able to afford a night out with friends once in a blue moon. Somehow that $750 cowhide ottoman just didn't make it through the budget cuts. (If I ever pay $750 for something with cow fur still attached to it, I want it to produce something to pour over my Cheerios.)

So, needless to say, I've got some ideas brewing. We'll see how they translate from fantasy to fact when I actually get in my new place.

I'm sure I'll keep you updated

_originally posted on fb 8/30/08_


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