Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Music in Season

About an hour ago I punched play on Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble for the 500th time this summer, and it got me to thinking about how I tend to listen more to certain artists and genres during specific times of the year. I don't know about you, but here's how it plays out for me.

Summer: Electric blues, soul, funk, classic rock. Evocative of those sultry dog days, nights out, and evening concerts on the grass.

Fall: folk, indie rock, celtic, bluegrass. Think of woodsmoke in the air, long drives with the windows down, and the first reviving draft of a cool autumn breeze.

Winter: Classical, easy listening, jazz, R&B -- preferably on vinyl, or on non remastered tracks. Warmth and crackle are good on a cold day. This is music to keep you company inside when it's grey and wet outside.

Spring: big band, swing, pop, alt rock. Get up, get moving, get happy. Its warm, and sunny, and the world is green again.

_orignially posted on fb 9/3/08_


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