Thursday, September 20, 2007

I hear someone knocking.....

I have an opportunity. A BIG opportunity. Humongous in fact. If successful then some of my wildest -- even more than my wildest -- dreams would come true.

It would require four and a half months of intense, sustained effort on my part. It would suck up every free minute I have, requiring a lot of sacrifice and understanding on the part of my family. Without their agreement I couldn't even try. It would require certain of my circle to donate large chunks of their time for my benefit. And if I am not successful then I face massive, crushing, disappointment and embarrassment.

There is no guarantee of success; indeed there is a very real, looming probability of failure. The time allotted (4 1/2 months) is quite short. Before this opportunity was flung at my feet like a gauntlet I had no plans to embark on an endeavor of this magnitude any time in the near future. I am no where near sure if I am sufficiently skilled to do this right now. I am terrified of failing. I am also afraid of being a sluggard and a coward and letting this chance slip by. I am unsure whether or not I am equal to the task in terms of the kind of perseverance, self control, and hard hard work it would require on top of my regular duties (which can already feel rather overwhelming at times). That's commitment. Commitment that might not come to full fruition in the end.

However -- if I do make the commitment, no matter what the final result is, I can see that it would be a character building experience.


tammy said...


Crazy Calvinist said...

It is singuarly true I think that the biggest regrets in most folks lives, are opportunies they passed by, without even having a shot at them. As they are always left with "I wonder what if..." in their minds.

What's that ole saying, "its not the winning but the taking part that counts,"; I think that's true in whether we take advantage of opportunities or not, failed at them or not.

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